[Picture of Emil, age 10]

A constant work in progress

So here you are. Not very exciting is it? Visually, as you've probably noticed, it's nothing special. I've concentrated on content rather than spiffy visual effects so it can be viewed in any browser. I even tried to make it rather Lynx friendly. A positive side effect of my rudimentary html skills is that this page is viewable on practically any shitbox computer. The only Java is in my coffee mug. The only frames are on the reading glasses I've neglected to wear for 20 years. If your browser doesn't support Java or frames, excellent. You're not missing out on anything. My laziness means this page is stuck in the 90's. Even though Chookfest now supports https, thanks Toby, it will still fall back to http if the browser doesn't support it. Yes, you could even use Netscape because fuck upgrading!

You're probably wondering who that obnoxious looking little bugger is in the picture above. Surprise, surprise, it's me at around ten years of age. Didn't I have such big gums, eh? Now compare that to this one of me having way too much fun at a friends house-warming party mid 2002. Shit, that's 22 years ago now...

Fifteen years since I've updated this page here. So for some reason I decided to update it after three whiskey & dry gingers on the night before an RDO. A lot happens in fifteen years - found my niche in AV and am making a career out of it, I learned to drive, got a few more interesting computers, got into amateur radio and home recording, made and lost friends, ended up in an 8 year relationship that ran its course, got my heart broken by the passing of several dogs that I was blessed to have in my life, am now in my late 40's and still wondering what the fuck am I doing with my life. What happened to my metabolism? Why does shit ache for no reason? When is this reduced sex drive meant to kick in? Fuck!!!

Click on the links below for more than you ever wanted to know about me. Ewww!

About Me
Arty Stuff
Musical Gear
My Collection Of Vinyl Records
People Who Enrich My Life

Mail me at BRAemil@chookfest.net if there's anything you'd like to tell me. All comments are appreciated, no matter how nasty and degrading you may get towards me. If there's something that offends you, expect no action whatsoever. Unless, of course, you're some sort of ridiculously rich multinational corporation, or individual(s), that's threatening to severely fuck me up for something I said about them, in which case you can GET FUCKED!!!

I don't wish harm to billionaires, but I do.

Spam Prevention! Remove BRA to mail me.

Yes, I'm a twisted bastard!

Last updated: 21 July 2024